It’s Joseph Heller meets Samuel Shem in Assume the Physician, an extremely entertaining, sobering satire of
about 100,000 words by John Hunt, MD.
The novel is available now in electronic format at I was privileged to read an advance

The main theme of Assume
is “doctors are sheep,” and it is about time that one of the sheep stood up and
said so. Doctors blame everybody
and nobody, everything and anything for the healthcare crisis...except
themselves, where the true blame lies.
As Dr. Hunt points out in his ironic, prophetic tale, if doctors would
only stand up for themselves and, more importantly, their patients, the
so-called crisis in healthcare could be solved almost overnight.
Dr. Hunt had the guts to write Assume the Physician.
I hope America and the rest of the world will have the guts to read it and heed
it...before it is too late.