It has been one month since Songs of Eretz decided to implement a token reading fee for submissions and announced a poetry award contest. Since then, the e-zine and contest have not received a single submission.
The reading fee has been eliminated. However, we do suggest a voluntary donation to help cover expenses. Emphasis on VOLUNTARY--submissions will receive equal consideration whether or not donations accompany them. To make a donation, please follow this link: http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/p/donate.html.
The Poetry Award Contest rules have been revised to make taking a chance more attractive. Now, for ten dollars (instead of twenty), submit up to TEN poems (instead of four) for a chance to win five hundred dollars and fame and glory. All poems submitted will be considered for paid publication in the e-zine. The contest will be the e-zine's main fund raising event, so please consider entering. See our contest guidelines for details http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/p/songs-of-eretz.html.
Also, please consider taking out a FREE classified ad in the e-zine. Try it for FREE, track it, and if it works for you, then buy one next time. See our advertising guidelines for details http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/p/e-zine.html.
Hope to see your submission to the e-zine, your contest entry, and your proposed classified ad soon!
Kind regards,
Steven Wittenberg Gordon, MD
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