I recently had the pleasure of
reading Gerard Sarnat's latest poetry collection Melting the Ice King, published
this year by Pessoa Press, San Francisco. The book contains about
seventy-six poems within about sixty-five actual pages.* Most of
the poems are elegies (often satirical ones) to the poet's father who died of
lung cancer just shy of 100 years of age. The irony and satire found
throughout the collection begins right away with the cover photo, which
features a romantic shot of the poet's rugged looking, movie star handsome
father smoking a cigarette while on horseback and holding hands with his
similarly mounted beauty of a wife (pictured).
Readers familiar with my
personal biases know that I am not a fan of prosaic poetry and that I believe
that vignette style poetry more properly belongs in collections of short
stories or in flash fiction venues. Thus, it will come as a surprise to
readers of my reviews to learn that I actually enjoyed reading Dr. Sarnat's
poems, about three quarters of which fall into the prosaic or vignette style
categories. The poems contain a Kerouac-ian rhythm and flow to them which
I find compelling and pleasing to the ear. The raw honesty of the often ironic
poems, while occasionally jarring, really sings; whether this is due to the
form or the content or some combination is an interesting question.
The ideal audience for this
collection would be elderly Jewish Americans of a liberal bent that remember
the hippy era with mixed feelings. A working knowledge of yiddish and
medicine would serve the reader well, but Dr. Sarnat aids the uninitiated by
the use of helpful footnotes. However, readers who may only have heard of
Jews and for whom the 1960s might as well be the 1860s will still enjoy reading
this collection, as readers that fall into this category will have the
additional pleasure of being immersed in what for them would be a new and
interesting culture.
Many of the poems are
personal to the Sarnat family--some a bit too personal, as when the junior Dr.
Sarnat mentions the discovery of the senior doctor's "condom drawer."
However, the vast majority of the poems address difficult topics such as:
hospice, funeral planning, end of life decisions, sibling rivalry, the
elderly taking care of the even more elderly, death, and loss. These
poems, though sung by Dr. Sarnat's unique voice about his unique extended
family dynamic, have a rich, universal appeal.
Melting the Ice King, as
well as other collections of poetry by Dr. Sarnat, is available on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Gerard-Sarnat/e/B00JDVTZ3K and
at select bookstores. It is a bit overpriced at $19.95, as many longer
collections by more well known poets may be had for a fraction of that price. A
significant collection of Dr. Sarnat's poetry was published in Songs of
Eretz Poetry Review. Three of the poems that appear in Melting the
Ice King were first published in the Review and may be found
here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/01/poem-of-day-what-george-kennan-couldnt.html
and here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/01/poem-of-day-without-all-due-modesty-by.html
and here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/01/poem-of-day-coach-house-by-gerard.html.
Another poem, "Red White and the Blues" is wrongly
credited to Songs of Eretz in the Acknowledgments section of Melting
the Ice King. Five more poems by Dr. Sarnat published or
reprinted in Songs of Eretz may be found here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/05/poem-of-day-45th-reunion-redbook.html
and here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/01/poem-of-day-christmas-eve-morning-by.html
and here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/01/poem-of-day-helter-skelter-by-gerard.html
and here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/01/poem-of-day-heart-throb-by-gerard.html
and here http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2014/07/poetry-review-special-feature-fixer-doc.html.
the Poet: Dr. Sarnat received his
education at Harvard and Stanford. He established and staffed
clinics for the disenfranchised, has been a CEO of healthcare organizations,
and was a Stanford professor. He and his wife of over forty-five
years have three children and two grandchildren with more on the way, and live
in the room above their oldest daughter’s garage.
*The number of actual
pages (a term of my own invention) of a poetry collection is determined by
counting the number of pages in a volume that are actually covered with words
of poetry (a rather tedious process), leaving out all pages not found in the
main body, all blank pages, blank spaces, and pages devoted only to section or
chapter titles.
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