Crowned--The Sign of the Dragon: Book 1 is a
collection of sixty-one poems centered around Xau, a fictional Mongol-like
warrior prince and horse whisperer who, though he is the youngest son, winds up
inheriting his father’s kingdom and winning the love and respect of his people
and foreign bride and the grudging respect of his enemies. The collection is about 175 pages in
length and is available through Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/CROWNED-Sign-Dragon-Book-1/dp/1937128741/for
$16.95. It is worth every
penny. The collection is
complimented by beautiful and occasionally breathtaking black-and-white
illustrations by M. Wayne Miller.
It is important for readers of Crowned to realize at the outset that the collection is an epic poem
about a larger-than-life hero.
Detractors have criticized Xau, the hero of Crowned, as being “too perfect.” Little do these critics realize that such a comment is
actually the highest compliment that could be said of the hero of an epic
poem. The hero of an epic poem
should be perfect or nearly so--Superman perfect, Odysseus perfect, Beowulf
perfect, Aeneas perfect, perhaps with a single but often fatal flaw. King Xau is such a hero.
Epic poetry is, well, epic, as The Iliad is epic, as The
Odyssey is epic, as The Aeneid is
epic, as Bewulf is epic. The narrative thread that weaves the
poems of Crowned together is a
beautiful, inspiring story that, though entirely fictional, has the feel of
legendary mythology. Detractors of
Crowned, including even Lee herself
in her “Author’s Note,” have criticized the collection for lacking “real”
poetry. Such critics do not
understand epic poetry. Not a
single poem in the collection lacks poetry. On the contrary, the collection is ALL poetry.
That is not to say that every poem in the collection is
equally great. All of them are
great, but some are (yes, I’ll say it again) epic. The poems that tell the story of Prince Xau’s encounter with
a prophetic dragon and the story of King Xau’s winning of the hearts of the
Horse Lords come immediately to mind.
These and several others in the collection are simply stunning, awe
inspiring, and above all memorable.
I will not reveal more lest I spoil.
Two of the poems in the collection, “Companionship” and
“Stables,” were first published in Songs
of Eretz and may be found here:
and here: http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2015/02/songs-of-eretz-poetry-review-is-pleased_24.html. If you are a lover of fantasy,
mythology, and epic poetry, read those for a teaser and then get yourself a
copy of Crowned. It will not disappoint.
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