A quarterly mainstream e-zine whose mission is to bring a little more good poetry and art into the world
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
FC McBride Has Poem Anthologized

Frequent Contributor
"Green Thread" by Vivian Finley Nida
Songs of Eretz Poetry Review is pleased to present “Green Thread” by Vivian
Finley Nida. Nida is a
Teacher/Consultant with the Oklahoma Writing Project, affiliated with the
University of Oklahoma. Her work has appeared in the Oklahoma Writing
Project Centennial Anthology, Oklahoma English Journal, and Westview:
Journal of Western Oklahoma. Nida holds a BA in English and an
MS in Secondary Education from Oklahoma State University and is a retired
teacher of English, Creative Writing, and Advanced Composition. She lives
with her husband in Oklahoma City.
Green Thread
Vivian Finley Nida
At the kitchen table the girl swings
bare feet above polished jade linoleum
sips sweet tea, mint sprigged, embroiders
stems to support first apron’s wide-eyed daisies
Outside they bow to St. Augustine runners visiting
Nandina stretching behind them
The air conditioner wakes from a dream
of glaciers, blows his Arctic breath
Like a pine frosted by the wind
she shivers to the porch and
backs against warm shingles in honeysuckled air
shoos an iridescent fly
Envious, she looks at Kitty in her fur coat
who brushes legs and pleads
with emerald eyes for arms to hold
Glad for the company she crosses
the lawn, passes weeping willow, heads
to the other side where she sits
in flowered clover, pierces and threads
stems, chains necklaces and searches
for four-leafed rarities
that stretch luck
Poet’s Notes: This began as an
exercise using a color in the title and continuing to present it without
restating it. As soon as the kitchen floor came to mind, I knew green was
my color. With its association to new beginnings, I placed myself as a
child there and the images of this carefree time simply unfolded—a stretch of
Editor’s Note: I was transported to a
happy place as I read. The green thread is woven throughout in a magical
Monday, February 27, 2017
"Harbinger of Spring" by Sierra July, Frequent Contibutor
Harbinger of Spring
Sierra July
When her back
began to ache
Instead what
pushed through her skin
Were petals, pink
and gold
Layered about each
other like delicate scales
She at first felt
crushing fear and disgust, but
Once outside, the
wind touched her new appendages
And scattered them
far beyond what her eyes could see
Where they touched
the earth, flower buds grew
In a thousand
different shapes and hues
Poet's Notes: This one is inspired by a show called
Haibane Renmei where mystery surrounds a set of girls who sprout wings. Instead
of ordinary feathered wings, I thought it would be cool if their appendages
were made of something else. With the thought of spring, the appendages easily
became flower petals, and my character became the Harbinger of Spring, similar
to winter's Jack Frost about whom I've also written poems.
Frequent Contributor,
Poetry Review
Saturday, February 25, 2017
FC Lee Has 3 Poems Published, Wins Contest
In addition, Lee’s poem
"Hero," first published in Star*Line,
won the 118th weekly Poetry Nook contest. It is also part of The Sign of the Dragon and may be read
at http://poetrynook.com/forum/contest-winners/118th-weekly-poetry-contest-winner-hero.
Frequent Contributor
Friday, February 24, 2017
"Namaste: An Experiment of Poetic Yoga" by Terri Lynn Cummings, Frequent Contributor
Namaste: An Experiment
of Poetic Yoga
Terri Lynn Cummings
Existence drifts on a
miles-long stream
Flowers lift their faces
while the past sweeps past in
Each bloom, the face of an
fades in and seeds our voices
As rain finishes with us
air sharpens, life deepens
all futures speak in unison
We blow through the straw
of childhood, gasp
at clouds of raspberry
orange, and lemon
Sunrise sings for the universe
in which we grow
No place to sit on fluid time
since Moon circles
full bellied, feet aching
waits for music to stop
Life moves to hold still
Fingers and palms press
in greeting. Opposing sides
Poet’s Notes:
Ideas for this poem were born
from a collection of paintings. Local visual artist Beth Pemberton had asked me
to write brief poems for an upcoming exhibition of her work. Her paintings
included serene landscapes and contemporary drawings. One painting named “Namaste”
inspired this longer poem for Songs of Eretz Poetry Review.
Frequent Contributor,
Poetry Review
Thursday, February 23, 2017
"Indiana End Times" by Ross Balcom, Frequent Contributor
Indiana End Times
Ross Balcom
in the cornfields
the rhymes of Riley
and the songs for mother
were lost in a vortex
of blood and madness
the Wabash ran dark;
the face of evil moved
upon its waters
the farmer tore out his eyes
and juggled them like blind
the sky went out
the Hoosier folk-soul
was flayed and slain
on infinite smoking altars
and we staggered helpless
down the cow-path
of perdition
Poet's Notes: Apocalypses are popular these days, so I thought I would treat Indiana
(my birth state) to one. An apocalypse entails suffering, and Hoosiers
certainly deserve that. The "Riley" referenced in the second
stanza is the beloved Indiana poet James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916), who often
rendered his verse in Hoosier dialect. Like much of Riley's
work, this poem has a rural orientation.
Frequent Contributor,
Poetry Review
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
FC Reinhart Has His First Poetry Collection Published

Frequent Contributor
“Equinox” by Ron Wallace
Songs of Eretz Poetry Review is pleased to present
“Equinox” by Ron Wallace, the winner of the 2017 Songs of Eretz Poetry Award
Contest. His bio may be found
here: http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/2017/01/announcing-winner-of-2017-songs-of.html.
Ron Wallace
September is ending in the west
a low roll of
a broken promise of rain.
The fireflies have all faded,
not a cicada is singing
there’s just the
twist of a lid
that echoes in the night
out beyond the backporch light
where the last moon of summer drops
just over the
centerfield fence
above my extended glove.
One last walk-off home run by Yogi tonight
brings the season to a close
breaks my heart
finds me already missing April
moving into May,
June, July and August
as they spiral into the coming of cooler nights.
Soon the dark will
into shades of the first autumn night,
and somewhere out there
in the pitch of
unlit and unwanted,
I sense October, hovering,
haunting me like a goddamned ghost
rattling chains
and old broken baseball bats
summer’s aftermath.
Poet’s Notes: As the autumn equinox was approaching on
February 22, 2015, the great New York Yankee Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra (pictured) passed at the age of 90. That started the thoughts that became this poem. This
changing of seasons from summer to fall always moves me to reflect on the
passing of youth. Berra, being a childhood favorite of mine, exiting this plane
as summer and baseball were drawing to a close, brought me a longing for more
summer, more youth, more time.
Editor’s Note: I enjoy the mood Ron
creates here as well as the interesting comparisons between weather and
baseball. He captures many competing feelings here, not least among them
the ambivalence we have for change, competing with the powerful feelings generated
when we experience the exact moment of change.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
"hemmed in" by John Reinhart, Frequent Contributor
hemmed in
on all sides,
I still find space
late at night
symbol of rebellious
life – Thoreau’s swamp –
to pee outdoors,
justified as a means
to keep coyotes and foxes
at bay, despite the dog
and the mange that finished
them off years ago,
while my chickens squabble
over Henrietta, late
and the goats look
at their empty manger
as if Christmas could answer
their dreams
--John Reinhart
Poet's Notes: Self-Reliance,
wondrous celebration of individuals, though Crusoeian ruggeds need not apply.
This is pervasive individualism in conjunction with social progress,
contradictory at the molding surface of popular discourse, but leveling out
just like that zigzag course of a thousand tacks, which sounds sharp, or at
least pointy. I mean, why not have a voyage of a thousand stuffed raccoons? or
beanbag chairs? or jello? And if contradiction is problematic, it is only
because we cannot see the moon's reflection through the transparent eyeball we
may or may not have become, will become, or will have become, depending on how
tense 19th century American literature makes you.
Frequent Contributor,
Poetry Review
Monday, February 20, 2017
"Winter Morning" by David Pring-Mill, Frequent Contributor
Winter Morning
David Pring-Mill
Being from a hot and humid
I let myself enjoy
the crunch of snow,
with all its novelty.
I stepped mostly on snow
Just for the sound, never
that it was less slippery
than the sections of ground
in a barely visible layer of
In Starbucks, the young
could not resist her own yawn,
And her mouth spread widely,
almost like an exaggerated
And she did it right in a
customer’s face, inadvertently,
as he stepped up to order, and
then upon completion
of her yawn, she laughed at
and it was a wonderful, goofy
with a snort, and the customer
smiled too.
There was a marble counter
along the side
of the coffee prep area, with
only two stools,
resembling a bar; and at the
bar, there was an old man seated
wearing an armed forces cap,
and although the man was old,
his hair white, his skin
wrinkled, I could tell
he had been handsome in his
It was somehow very easy to
envision the younger him,
And then I saw him sitting at
a bar, decades ago,
existing there in the purity
of the moment as he was now,
with a beer instead of a
with carnage still vivid and
not yet fused
to abstract glory; instead,
with the world still at stake,
the victors unknown, the
ladies all stylish…
With café americano in hand,
I smiled as I tread carefully down
icy blocks.
A modern girl emerged from a
with black glasses, reddish
and her coat was powder blue,
The lightest shade of blue I
have ever seen
in a coat, and a seasonal
thought came to me again,
That women look so beautiful
in winter
when they are bundled, when
they have their mittens
and scarves, and the color of
their hair seems so pronounced
spilling out over their coats
from under wool hats or beanies;
It strikes upon the male
protective instinct I think, but
They seem so dainty as winter
tries to pummel this land,
With lines of stinging cold
and white trickling through
the tree-bearing mountains,
With chiaroscuro
in every step and shadow.
More strangers emerge to cross
my path.
The old woman with frizzy
white hair
and Coke bottle glasses who
seemed so eager
to throw her empty paper cup
after spotting a small
wastebin by the bus stop.
Her beady eyes practically lit
up as if
she was unwrapping a present,
when really
she was gifting her trash to
the landfill.
I saw also the little Native
who broke up the layer of ice
that had crusted
over the brownish, frosted
And for this self-appointed
he used both his little boots
and a marker he pulled from
his backpack.
His goal was to smash it all
into smaller ice chips,
to satisfy some wondrous
And I am glad for winter and
all challenges.
I remember summers here, going
through the muck
of pebbled beaches, lifting
rocks, watching
crabs scuttle out from under
the rocks.
I felt guilty then, having
displaced them
from their comfort and hiding,
but looking up now I ask the
“God, if I am ever under a
rock, will you —
or better yet, a childlike
an innocent and playful force —
come along to lift that rock?
So that I will be made to scuttle
and find somewhere new?
So that I will not find too
much comfort
in some dark, protective place
with a weight over me?”
Poet’s Notes: This is one of my more journalistic poems,
capturing a morning when I went to a Starbucks to pick up my café americano
(venti, black) and then subsequently walked around on icy sidewalks. I freely
admit that all of these characters were real, but fortunately the law does not
require me to purchase their life rights. Nonetheless, I thank these strangers
for their cameos in my poem.
Frequent Contributor,
Poetry Review
Friday, February 17, 2017
FC Lee Has 2 Poems Published
Lesson" is online at Heroic Fantasy
Quarterly, where incidentally fellow FC Rowe is an editor: http://www.heroicfantasyquarterly.com/?p=2157;
and "Daunted" is in Dreams
& Nightmares #105 http://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.com/order.htm.
Songs of Eretz
has been pleased to publish many of the poems from Mary’s The Sign of the Dragon series. Those interested may enjoy those poems here: http://eretzsongs.blogspot.com/search?q=the+sign+of+the+dragon.
Frequent Contributor
Songs of Eretz Frequent Contributors (and Its Editor) Dominate the Winter 2017 Edition of Star*Line

Editor Steven
Wittenberg Gordon: one poem
FC Mary Soon
Lee: four poems
FC Lauren
McBride: three poems
FC John
Reinhart: three poems
The SFPA is a
group anyone interested in speculative poetry may join for a fee, which
includes a subscription to Star*Line--see SFPoetry.com/join.html. Those interested in purchasing a copy the latest issue for five dollars should look here: http://www.sfpoetry.com/sl/issues/starline40.1.html.
Frequent Contributor,
FC Reinhart Has 4 Poems Published

Frequent Contributor
FC Reinhart Publishes Chapbook

Frequent Contributor
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