Wednesday, June 7, 2017

"Doubt" by Frequent Contributor Terri Lynn Cummings

Terri Lynn Cummings

Leaves fall    then speak of return
while my desire considers them 
as what let go of me 

Faith rises    follows the sun 
as it turns away like a lost love
Trees fold up their robes by winter

ease beneath blankets of snow
sleep in long-stemmed knowledge 
awake into something more than

years left rotting on low limbs
memories that flake like shed skin
shade as it hides in remorse

I drift with wood smoke
my roots in my pocket
reach for the branch where life resides

lift my head  
from the crook of winter’s arm 
rise from the couch of myself

like a hundred winged bodies
fly into sky from which will fall 
feathers    or blessings

Poet’s Notes:  With fall on my mind, and November’s birth of a long-deceased son, I cradled my thoughts into a poem. Faith is all around me when I choose to acknowledge it. Yet doubt lifts its head like a weed that must be plucked from the ground before it spreads. Therefore, I write and banish doubt from the page (most of the time).

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