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Unless otherwise indicated, all art is taken from "royalty-free" Internet sources.
Chief Executive Editor
Steven Wittenberg Gordon
Terri L. Cummings
Charles A. Swanson
Guest Art Editor
Terri Lynn Cummings
Frequent Contributors
Terri Lynn Cummings
Steven Wittenberg Gordon
John C. Mannone
Vivian Finley Nida
Howard F. Stein
Charles A. Swanson
Tyson West
Biographies of our editorial staff & frequent contributors may be found on the "Our Staff" page.
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A Letter from the Co-Editor-in-Chief
Charles A. Swanson
Featured Frequent Contributor
Howard F. Stein
“Shards of My Life”
“Out of Sync”
“The Moment Stone Became Artifact: An As-If Tale
Other Frequent Contributors
Steven Wittenberg Gordon
Vivian Finley Nida
“Vaseline Glass Jar”
“Lepenski Vir: Europe’s Oldest Urban Settlement”
Tyson West
“Pipe Dreams”
John C. Mannone
“The Photographer”
Charles A. Swanson
“The Grinding Stone”
Terri Lynn
Guest Poets
John Delaney
“Reindeer People”
Sean Whalen
Paul A. Freeman
“Found! A Roman Knife Handle”
“The Mission”
Frequent Contributor)
Michael Victor Bowman
“Half Life”
“1879, a Shovel and an Idea”
A J Dalton
“Forsake the Ground”
William L. Ramsey
“Clinging to My Keyboard as Waves Crash over Me”
Richard Magahiz
“The mystery of the thermionic”
B. Fulton Jennes
“Atlas of Escape”
Salvatore Difalco
“Cuneiform Exercise Tablet”
Mark A. Fisher
Guest Poet, General Submission
William L. Ramsey
“Green? With a White Ribbon?”
Book Review:
Concerning the Service
Clayton Spencer
Reviewed by Charles A. Swanson
Frequent Contributor News
Financial Support
2025 Themes: What We are Looking For
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A Letter from the Co-Editor-in-Chief
A Letter from the Co-Editor-in-Chief
Memory being fickle, I
double-checked something I had once learned with a friend who had long taught
Appalachian Folklore. I questioned Ricky
Cox, “Artifacts are part of material culture, are they not?” He answered me with a quick and emphatic, “Of
Material culture consists of the things—such
as houses and barns—that identify a way of life. In the Southside tobacco region of Virginia
where I live, old log tobacco barns are an example. But it’s not just the big material things but
also the small material things that mark a culture. For Appalachia, I think of the three-legged
Dutch oven one can use to bake bread on a fireplace hearth. Considered in such a way, an issue about
artifacts is more broadly an issue about things, about objects that define a
way of living in the world.
Of great interest to me is the
definition that includes certain archaic-acting people under the umbrella of
artifact. One of Tyson West’s poems, “Pipe
Dreams,” brings that definition to life in the person of his grandfather.
As I read poems for the issue, I was
most surprised by what good use fantasy and science fiction writers found for
the theme. I soon saw the logic of their thinking, and I
mentally applauded them.
This is a good issue. I’m pleased that such strong poetry keeps
coming our way, and that we have the great pleasure of presenting it to you.
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Featured Frequent Contributor
of My Life
Howard F. Stein
have made my small room
the old folks’ home
museum of my life –
story told in shards.
knacks? No.
of a life, where
all once had a place;
knew where they belonged –
in disarray, more strewn
arranged; still,
my fragments.
turquoise blue ceramic ash tray,
so smooth to my touch;
family’s old tin Menorah,
clogged with years of wax;
mom’s wooden night stand;
yellowed slip of paper,
dad’s hand-written notes
a grocery list;
color photo of my dad sitting
his card table studying Jewish prayers;
wine-stained Hebrew prayer book,
apart, that my maternal grandpa
brought over from Russia in early 1900’s;
1949 Hebrew-English Siddur,
daily for years, that my dad
bound with black electrical tape;
The Mezuzah my
parents attached to their
door post when they
first married, around 1939;
short, dented old
for Shabbos candles;
medals and photos,
the tri-fold burial flag
my Uncle Hymen,
youngest brother,
in the Battle of the Bulge
World War II, the decorated
for whom I am named;
old, small black and white photos
my family, going back a century,
stacked in a pile
my mom’s old bedroom dresser drawer;
dad’s aluminum drip grind coffee pot;
old TWA pack of playing cards.
dad’s prayer shawl (Tallith);
black-and-white photo of my dad
his late 80’s, my two-year old son
in my arms, I with full black beard,
a still healthy head of hair;
hand-carved wooden train caboose
by a local Oklahoma craftsman
40 years ago, when cabooses still
the long line of freight cars.
of these treasured chips,
placed deliberately,
just where they would fit.
quite random, but none at home,
of long ago,
time before they were shards –
if, when assembled, they
have made an unbroken,
baked clay
or pot –
Keatsean Grecian Urn,
plain, so simple, so ordinary,
it was whole.
Notes: One of my earliest mental associations to the theme
of “Artifacts” for the Spring 2025 issue of SOE, was to the field
of my graduate training aeons ago: anthropology. In it, archaeology,
physical/biological anthropology, and human evolution were its foundation. In
archaeological readings and seminars, ancient pottery and potsherds were an
inevitable topic. As my mind drifted in remembering this, I thought of notions
of wholeness, fragmentation, and efforts to reconstruct early pottery, and its
cultural setting, from its pieces.
mind further drifted into my own current life situation, and from it emerged
images of pottery and its shards as metaphors. Close to two and a
half years ago, my family placed me in a medical assisted living facility. In
my small, box-like apartment, I had little space on/in which to put various
objects I had hurriedly assembled and brought from home.
As I gazed on the surfaces and walls when
the theme of “artifacts” was given, my mind connected what I saw here with my
early anthropological training. In a way that writers often say, “The poem
wrote itself” after that. Toward the end of the poem, as my unconscious
wrestled with my sense of shattered wholeness, the earlier SOE theme
of English poet John Keats’ poem, “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” came to mind. I
consciously incorporated an allusion to it in my own poem – a kind of striving
at further linkage and mending in the face of rupture and shattering.
Notes: Stein’s
poem makes me think of the question, “If you were trapped on a desert island,
what three things would you take with you?”
Of course, the answer to the island question would be materials to help
one survive another day. However, there
is also the survival of the human spirit, above and beyond the mere body. I hear Stein’s answer to spiritual needs in
his poem. CAS
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Out of Sync
free verse
Howard F. Stein
On every wall
Of my old folks’ home,
Round analog clocks withSweeping second hands,
Watch over us –
Work rhythms to be maintained,
Schedules to be met,
Protocols to be fulfilled,
Dressing, bathing, feeding,
Dispensing pills four times a day,
Traffic jam of walkers and wheelchairs,
Making their way to the dining room
At mealtime, emergence from the kitchen
Of a phalanx of servers with food carts.
Everything in its place,
Everything on time, since
Doing everything on time
Is essential to the work.
“Time and motion” perfected –
Frederick Winslow Taylor* would
Have been proud. . .
A flaw, though, forever
Keeps these imperfect
Timekeeping artifacts
In constant dispute
With one another –
Though tuned to the same pitch,
They cannot agree on the time.
A rule of error never wavers:
Plus-Or-Minus Ten Minutes.
All clocks stay fastidiously
Within this range.
Every few weeks
An administrator calls
The clock smith to make rounds,
Correct the error, then set
The clocks in agreement once again . . .
Which lasts a few days
Until disagreement once again
Creeps in. Even replacement
Of an old clock with a new one
Does not disrupt this rhythm.
Everyone is beside themselves
As to how to carry out their tasks,
To be on time for anything, to keep
The workflow moving swiftly.
Oblivious to the real problem,
They attack each other,
As though they were personally
At fault for getting behind.
Who can do their work right,
When no one knows
How to accomplish it on time?
Chaos, the result
And final victor, since no one
Realizes the clocks will
Always vary between ten minutes
Early and ten minutes late –
And will stay that way
Despite everyone’s best efforts
To bring time under control.
Winslow Taylor, early 20th century American mechanical engineer, author
of Principles of Scientific Management (1901), founder of
industrial engineering, to reduce “wasted time” and produce efficiency, famed
for “time and motion” studies of assembly line workers.
Notes: Many
large-scale facilities now are the residences of elderly people. Many of these
"old folks' homes" have various levels of medical care. In the
writer's experience of working in health sciences centers for many decades,
overworked, understaffed, medical staff at all levels strive (and are often
administratively driven) to keep tight schedules in everything from
administering medication to residents/patients, to bathing, toileting,
dressing, preparing for bed, serving food, etc.
despite their best efforts to maintain a predictable work-flow schedule, in
reality, timetables become close to chaotic, helter-skelter, for instance,
being slowed down because of an aide having to devote more time than expected
to a particular patient, which throws the entire operation into confusion, if
not chaos. This is true even in this age of computer-based cell phones
with digital clocks, and computers everywhere.
poem above is built around the now anachronistic artifact of the
once-ubiquitous second-hand sweeping circular analog wall clock in every
room of the facility, by which medical and administrative staff, and even
patients, were supposed to monitor their activity. The world I depict is
true to life, and the notion that the specific artifacts, analog wall
clocks, with their often-unreliable accuracy, forever out-of-sync, seem to
have a "mind of their own," is a commonly used phrase in the old
folks' home.
Notes: I’m
still devoted to the archaic analog wrist watch with its sweeping hands. One day, one of my students said she could
not read analog time, so I showed her my watch with its big “G” and
accompanying script on the watch’s face.
The watch supplied no helpful numbers, only small blocks where 3, 6, 9,
and 12 should be. I liked the plainness
of the watch’s face. I asked her how she
would read the time since she had trouble with analog. She looked at it and said, “I think it’s a
good thing it says “Guess.” CAS
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A million or so years ago,
a member of a small
Australopithecus band
returned from the hunt
empty-handed, dejected,
certain of reprimand, if not
expulsion. Whether they had
words for it or not, their motto
was, “The good man is the generous man.”
equality through sharing,
their unstated rule. For sure
everyone had his bad days,
when they came home with
nothing to contribute, and so
partook of another’s success.
but in the end, it all evened out—
except for Bad Luck Joe.
Like the other men in their twenties,
Joe was strong and could hurl large rocks
at animals during the hunt,
except that his rocks did not
even stun the animal, let alone
injure or kill him. Joe became
his fellow hunters’ target
of relentless ridicule.
Dejected, discouraged, he went off
by himself, picked up a large stone – flint?
Obsidian?—and, in frustration, began
to strike a second stone beneath it
with hard blows, like beating on it.
Embarrassment and rage drove him
to crash harder and harder,
stone to stone – catharsis, maybe
wrath toward himself for his inadequacy,
or toward the members of his band
who mercilessly mocked him—
As he bashed away, something cracked;
stone chips began to fall off, a new shape
began to emerge, not rounded here,
angular there, but the beginning
of something vaguely sharpening,
a core, but of what?
Somehow in the mind
of this primitive man,
at least for a few seconds,
fury turned to thought.
He paused, picked his stone up,
examined it, seemed puzzled,
as if wondering what was happening.
He commenced now with deliberate
strikes, as if he were thinking
of something in mind, still rough-hewn.
Eventually, he picked it up,
returned to his group,
strangely lifted by what he had made.
He took it with him on the next
group hunt, hoisted his rock,
gashed the animal, and gashed again,
aided by his fellow hunters,
felled the animal, finally a prize for meat.
Many men gathered around him
to see what this misfit had made.
Fool, now hero, he and the small band
of hunters carried their quarry
back to the camp to feed everyone.
Joe had no words for what his mind
had directed his hands and arms to do
with this large, ordinary, stone.
But he had hewn and crafted
Something from nature that was
now more than just nature:
maybe—a tool. Others in the band later
followed suit, watched him work
with his own stone, then
went off to improvise on their own.
In the shadow of humiliation,
a hand-axe had been born.
Notes: Shortly after
I learned of the Artifact-theme for the Spring 2025 issue of Songs of
Eretz, the wry thought came to me of composing a would-be origin myth for
the Paleolithic stone-axe. In my long-ago graduate anthropological training,
courses such as archaeology and physical/biological anthropology were saturated
with the evolution of the earliest human artifacts, stone hand-axes and their
successors. I thought that if anything could qualify as an artifact,
an early hand-axe would be its sine qua non.
I thought to "put to use" memories of what I had
learned, and to compose an imaginary tale in poetry-form of how one of the
earliest, if not the first, human hand-axes came about. The idea felt
outlandish, implausible, if not outrageous from the start. Yet the poem grew on
me. It turned out to be a common human experience, steeped in
emotions and relationships, that just happened to involve the fashioning of
stone into simple hand-axe.
For me, the fashioning of an artifact was embedded in the
early human setting from which it emerged. Although the origin myth still feels
goofy, the ordinary human story is as familiar now as it is ancient.
Notes: Stein’s story of Bad Luck Joe intrigues me, especially
when Joe begins to think. The process of
a mind awakening fills much of William Golding’s The Inheritors. As the origin of many inventions is lost
in time, so is the evolvement of the dawning light in the darkness of the
mind. What triggered our creativity, our
inventiveness, our perception, our humanness?
Did our thinking evolve along at the same rate as our pliable
fingers? Did we learn first by using our
hands? CAS
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Other Frequent Contributors
by Alison Gordon
in AABB rhyme
Wittenberg Gordon
paintings in Australia show
twenty thousand years ago
before there was a Jew
played the didgeridoo.
haunting droning first was heard
to legend passed down by word
an Aboriginal great-grand sire
eucalyptus for his fire.
he held a branch over the flaming pit
noted termites had hollowed it
within the wood still scurried about.
put the stick to his lips and blew them out.
Cosmic Powers smiled at the man
how mercy and kindness through him ran
as a reward for his true worth
didgeridoo was gifted to earth.
Notes: The didgeridoo that I play is an authentic one
made from a branch of a eucalyptus tree that was hollowed out by termites,
harvested by Aboriginies, and concert tuned to a low D by specialized artisans
working out of a solar powered hut in the middle of Australian Outback. My poem
is based on the Legend of the didgeridoo that I discovered during the research
I conducted before purchasing mine.
the didgeridoo has some things in common with how I write poetry. There are no
melodies, no sheet music, no rules for playing the didgeridoo. The player puts
the instrument to his lips and must accept the sound that is produced. Rhythm
may be introduced, as may intonation and color, but the flow of the music is
not entirely under the control of the player. A good session with the didge
results in a feeling of contentment, satisfaction, and even wonder. I enjoy a
similar feeling after composing a good poem.
Notes: I
was already intrigued by Gordon’s poem before I saw the picture he sent. He also shared with us, the editors, a
video/audio clip of a song he played on the didgeridoo. I loved it, and I wish I could also share it
here. The sound was not a gimmick or
unworldly, but mesmerizing and beautiful.
I will admit, however, that the didge would not be as easy to carry
around for a street performance or a gig as a guitar. CAS
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by Vivian Finley Nida
Glass Jar
Finley Nida
in the China cabinet
been dusted for months.
started to tackle it but got distracted
the first item I picked up
Grandma’s yellow, hobnail glass jar with lid,
a five-inch acorn wearing its cap.
when we were in high school,
often reminded us
was Vaseline glass, hard to find
the government confiscated uranium
World War II, and uranium dioxide was used
make the glass the color of Vaseline, thus the name.
this didn’t stop us from looking. Our narrow roads
through small towns, making it easy to stop, to search
second-hand stores, but we never found Vaseline glass.
we were young at Grandma’s, that yellow jar
on the right-hand side of her dressing table,
by the mirror where we could see ourselves head to toe.
loved to stand there every morning and watch Grandma
at the table, grip the wooden handle of her Fuller brush,
the horsehair bristles through her white hair,
twist it into a bun at the nape of her neck.
she collected the hair from her brush.
thought she would drop it beside the dressing table
the metal trash can, the cream colored one with faded roses.
she lifted the lid from the yellow jar and placed the hair inside.
you know where the jar came from? A wedding gift?
glass was popular from 1880’s through 1920’s. Anyway, I’d
seen anyone else save hair, let alone in a gleaming yellow jar.
I asked why. In a matter of fact way, she said that one day
her hair was thin, she would use these strands
embellish her bun. Her reply, enough and more—
declaration before change and a way to manage it.
Notes: To create
colored glass, minerals are added to the molten mixture during
production. Adding only 0.1 or 0.2 percent of uranium dioxide creates a
yellow color that looks like Vaseline petroleum jelly. In addition to
coloring the glass, uranium dioxide causes the glass to glow green under a
blacklight and makes it slightly radioactive. The emissions, however, are
barely stronger than normal background radiation everyone is exposed to daily,
so displaying the glass should not be a problem.
It was most popular during the Victorian
era. During WWII, the government seized all uranium and banned manufacturing
Vaseline Glass from 1943 until November 1958. In 1959, when companies
could resume making the glass, the expense and tight regulations of uranium
dioxide limited production.
Notes: I
like poems that embed layers of meaning.
Here, the fact that the Vaseline glass jar is an artifact becomes part
of the driving force in the poem.
Collectors go looking for these artifacts—even individuals who are not
compelled by connections to life stories.
If I were giving advice, I would say to a poet, “Artifacts carry
meaning. Tell me the many ways an
artifact speaks to you.” CAS
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Lepenski Vir, Europe’s Oldest Urban Settlement
Vivian Finley Nida
On Danube’s bank, eight thousand years ago,
a settlement was planned, Lepenski Vir.
A whirlpool there snatched fish out from the flow
but could not steal them back from hook or spear.
More tools in hands built houses, all the same.
The trapezoidal floor was hard, no doubt.
Mixed clay, limestone, dung, ash could take hot flame
in hearths that cooked and kept the wild beasts out.
In every house were idols carved like fish
with open mouths turned down on heads of stone,
and like a leaping fish arched in a swish,
all hands in homes lift toward one shrine alone—
left bank’s giant rock where bolts of lightning thrill
and double sunrise burns the winter chill.
Notes: The site of
Lepenski Vir in eastern Serbia on the right bank of the Danube was discovered
August 30, 1960 on a local farmer’s land. The Iron Gage Hydroelectric
Power Station was set to flood the region with its artificial lake, so
archaeologists explored as much as possible before 1971 when the site was moved
to higher ground to avoid flooding.
is on the left bank of the Danube. That’s where the giant rock,
Trescovat, stands. Its trapezoidal shape gave the inhabitants of Lepenski
Vir the idea for the shape of their houses, and its double sunrise was the
start of their solar calendar. In 2024, a team went there to check, and
they confirmed that the double sunrise still appears to mark the summer
2022, I was fortunate to tour Lepenski Vir inside the Đerdap National Park, a UNESCO global geopark.
If you have the opportunity to see the site in person, I highly recommend it.
Notes: Such an interesting approach to the theme of
artifact—a whole urban community! Just
two days ago, I saw a town that screamed artifact to me. What once was a thriving village because of
the presence of a mineral spring is now only a collection of houses,
businesses, and a hotel in decay. Ghost
towns take us into the past, and the ghosts still walk in our
imaginations. CAS
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Marcia grabbed the rosary beads
and his guardian angel carried as Czar's army draft dodgers
north Atlantic sea sickness and lonely teen
to Massachusetts marriage,
for four infants in the Great Depression and
happy death before I walked for my BA.
I was graced by his crude oak framed yellowing print of the black and white
her infant son handing Saint Simon Stock the scapular
repurposed from Elijah's and Elisha's hand me down mantle.
Spanish and French, inscriptions beneath Simon's vision
her protection to the wearer of coarse wool on bare skin.
had first seen this print at fourteen when my idea of God shapeshifted
a child's garden of frosted flakes, tooth decay, and gradations of sin
guilt to a rainbow tapestry woven in technicolor doubts and testosterone jolts.
lair lay on the second floor of their creaking house.
and colder, he dreamed away from Grandma's bedroom
their kitchen's great Monarch wood cook stove
tended with more tenderness than her sons' sire.
from smart ass college kid to
plains agnostic, my insecurities
without fear in my dead ancestor's bed.
icy sheets slowly warmed with body heat from cells sharing his DNA
in the thick hide of Army blankets and a carpet pad scrap
his dreams had grown old,
dreams kept focus on the print of the Goddess and her godling giving hope
an OCD Saint whose historicity rivaled Robin Hood and King Arthur.
like Mary, Grandma gave me that print with its chipped varnished frame
water stained lower-left corner not because I asked
because she sensed her grandson shared the same visions
the man she mixed genes and joy and loss with
never loved.
sole relic from one strand of my DNA braid survived decades
women with whom I share children
who never loved me
women who covered me in the scapular of their passion
left me childless yet
still tightly in deepest recesses of feelings left
the flow of days for which God will judge me.
crude print does not teach divine nor carnal love
each time I see it, I give thanks I have learned to treasure
showers of grace combusting within me.
always have Grandpa and I loved wisely
we survived well.
Notes: My paternal
grandparents lived in a house on an acre of flat ground at the end of Concord
Avenue in Norwood, Massachusetts. My grandfather purchased sometime this home
around the beginning of World War 1. He came to this country in 1906 on board a
German steam ship to avoid being drafted into the Russian army. He and my
grandmother lived in this house until his death in 1971 when, without
explanation, my grandmother gave me the cheap black and white print in a rude
oak frame that hung in my grandfather's upstairs bedroom. I have no idea where
she or my grandfather got it, or any of the history behind it. I can only speak
of what it means to me.
Notes: I keep seeing
the image of the crude black and white print in the oak frame, of the Virgin
Mary handing the wool garment, a relic, to the English saint. I can understand how such a vision could
burrow into a person’s psyche. CAS
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remember most strangely the briarwood pipe
caressed with slices of Edgeworth tobacco from
blue and gold package printed in 19th Century fonts.
small thin man whose straight razor and mustache cup
him every few days.
large nose sat sovereign over his acre of thin soil north of the railroad track
Google Earth tells still holds its course.
ground he and grandma enriched
wood ash, compost, and cow and chicken droppings,
groomed clean over half a century of smooth glacial stones
fine dark matrix that nourished cabbage, squash, and
sweetest strawberries I've ever tasted
greens a lawn for the duplex developed
Grandma died and Danny, their youngest, suddenly
attacked off that humid green July golf course day.
I was the same age as you, my granddaughter,
sat on a stool in his brown hermitage
barn with weathered wooden doors and unpainted, plank floors
with years of August rising to shovel
droppings into the mushroom cellar below.
held court away from Grandma's yells
on that pipe lit with great kitchen matches
thumbnail struck in one hand.
flies would circle the bare lightbulb
as his puffs of fragrant smoke
up blue to perfume the atmosphere we shared.
would sip a glass of warm Ballantine ale at times,
I could, with care, ask questions
would parry with few words or a smoke ring.
could never tell if he left Lithuania with regret or
of the seven deadly sins he most cherished.
missed the Kaiser's war, but found tobacco and Grandma
never let him smoke in the house
encouraged her sons to light up at her kitchen table.
swirled around him for a half century
lung cancer he never had diagnosed
his pipe cold and the barn chair empty.
seashells in the grave of a mountain king or
unlit candle next to the portrait of a princess
around him glow opaque.
he boil with resentment towards his father
whom he never spoke?
he despise his wife's dramatic disrespect?
he watched his sons who all returned from big war
their children boom and vector away
he appreciate this strange fruit his seed had nurtured?
strange old man flickered before me, a slice of the old country,
with factory work in my childish present
of his past and unworried of the future.
cut wood for the stove, tended his garden,
rolled his thoughts into burley tobacco between arthritic fingers
with the magic of a Diamond match blazing above the bowl
clouds of smoke I have yet to penetrate.
Poet’s Notes: One of my sharper
memories of my paternal grandfather was his pipe smoking. I would sit with him
at the barn where he smoked, because my grandmother would not allow him to
smoke in the kitchen. In our simple conversations, he never spoke much of his
past nor the future. In a sense, this is an ekphrastic poem of my memories of
my grandfather, reminiscent of Van Gogh's paintings of "Head of a Peasant
with a Pipe."
Notes: As strong poetry often does, this poem defies
easy categorization. Truly, it is not
ekphrastic, yet I understand West’s reference.
West paints a picture, one full of poignant echoes. The poem also does not hit the theme of
artifact squarely on the head, for the briarwood pipe is not an object the
speaker holds and cherishes. The poem
walks in memory, but the memory is alive with things, and those elusive and
enigmatic things are no more. CAS
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The Photographer
—The day after the Battle of Antietam
free verse
John C. Mannone
He rolled in with his
wagon full of chemicals
and cameras, and caught
the soldiers lying dead
still, though he might
have moved some into
more dramatic poses
or arranged the bodies
in front of the church
as if he were a poet
working with the line
of soldiers. The Union
dead lined up like imagery
at the base of cannons
on their wheels, muzzled
in quietness, but for
the buzzing of flies. He’d
shoo them away, ironic
respect for the fallen—
those shocked, gray or blue,
by the barrage of lead, or iron
from the throat of cannons—
the scent of sulfur lingered
with the stench, decomposing
flesh from yesterday’s hell—
fire and smoke, and bodies
now perfectly composed.
Notes: The Battle of Antietam was fought on September 17,
1862. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in the Civil War where there were
at least 23,000 American casualties (and maybe as high as 28,000). It was this
war to be the first largely reported with photography. Alexander Gardner and
James Gibson were the photographers at Antietam. They worked for Matthew Brady
who shocked the world with those photographs.
Notes: This
poem lies as quietly on the page as the dead lay on the battlefield. Like the bare limbs of winter trees shock the
senses, so the taut lines of this poem say so much in their black-and-white
starkness. CAS
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free verse
Charles A. Swanson
Bobbi waited, a large inviting smile
wreathing his Israeli face. Samples,
free gifts, enticements, he had them,
bequeathed them, coaxed us to try
treatments. My wife, shrewd woman,
pulled my arm, tried to scurry along,
nonchalant and disinterested. But I,
I was swept into the brightly lit shop,
to a treatment chair where a mirror
held to my wrinkles and puffy eye-bags
showed me what I already knew.
Ah, what quick streambed current of talk,
what kind eyes and earnest teeth,
what smooth and taut skin, what
Israeli graciousness in English tongue,
though I missed every second, third,
fourth quick word. Fast, but no cost,
not yet. The serum worked, instantly,
as attested. I could feel the flesh
harden like marble, the magic happen
right below my eye. When Bobbi
gave me my two eyes in his handy-dandy
reflection glass, one eye, untreated,
sat in its sea-bed of blue, puffy ripples,
the other lay calm, unruffled, settled
in a pool of temporary tranquility.
Ah, Bobbi, I can’t pay your price!
Ah, Bobbi, I wish you luck! Your
kind face will sell bottles! But, Bobbi,
I only wish for the photographer
who wants a picture of old age,
of wrinkles, of eye-bags, of thinning
hair, of me, a throw-back to days
before collagen and Botox and facelifts,
a picture of an out-of-doors, sun-worn,
wind-blemished, seasoned survivor,
like a weathered, overlooked artifact
in a field of fresh-faced daffodils.
Poet’s Notes: C. S. Lewis once described himself as an old “dinosaur,” and I have often applied that metaphor to myself. My ways are old ways. And, more than likely, I defy full adaptation to my changing environment. I also chuckled when I read this definition of “artifact” from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “something or someone arising from or associated with an earlier time especially when regarded as no longer appropriate, relevant, or important.” I strive for relevance, but I leave that assessment to the young, and, maybe, to posterity.
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Photograph by Gail Swanson
The Grinding Stone
free verse
Charles A. Swanson
The chill of rushing water
I know, pounded by roaring
currents, abradings that took
long and countless years, patience.
The brown red of river stone
you cherished, a shape you loved.
Your seamed hands brought me strongly
from booming waters. The stream
continued to shout as you
carried me away. The corn
you cracked and stamped against me
mixed with morsels of fine grit.
It was substance of mountains
you put in your mouth, the smell
of strong waters, the hard jolt
of earth’s rock-old foundations.
It was ancestry, oneness
with mother earth’s ancient past
you celebrated. With each bite
of bread, you bit a mouthful
reminding you, an old people
were young in the long leaf-fall,
whispered tongues, of the mountains,
rivers, you loved and tasted.
Notes: Through
many of my formative years, I lived on a Tidewater farm in Prince George
County, Virginia. The fields, and one
low hill in particular, must have hosted an Indian encampment sometime in the
distant past. We found many arrowheads,
a tomahawk or two, and a few grinding stones.
Most of the grinding stones were round, worn smooth by water, and
carried from a riverbed somewhere. We
could tell a stone used for grinding grain because of the bowl-like depression made
from pounding one rock against another.
The grinding stone, the mortar, was easy to identify when we lucked
across one. The pestle, the stone used
for pounding, was harder to find. Only
when we could feel the impressions left by an Indian’s fingers in the stone
could we be sure. I’ve often marveled to
think how many times, how many years, an Indian had to hold the pestle for the
acid in his (or her) fingers to wear away the rock.
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Photographs by Terri L. Cummings
Artifact discovered by Terri L. Cummings
approx. 640 AD
(in an unstratified area) on an archaeological dig
Caesarea Maritima, Israel, July 1976
Caesarea Maritima, Israel, July 1976
free verse
Terri Lynn Cummings
I touch my eyes
and wonder if they were stolen
by a foreign god
or my vision switched with that
of another, like a cat, maybe
or a simple sparrow spying
on the young Arab assisting
his master by a potter’s wheel.
I watch him work a red clay
pot handle onto a water jug’s body.
It’s tricky and he’s clumsy.
“A seamless marriage takes practice,”
says the master.
The boy lets his pot air-dry
until leather-hard
then stacks it with others
in a kiln that bakes the lot—
about 800 degrees Celsius
maintained for three days and nights.
When cooled, he retrieves his amphora
runs a finger over the roughly attached handle
fills the pot with fresh water and carries it
to old King Herod’s hippodrome
where he places it in a storeroom
with other vessels of water and wine
well below the spectator’s stone stands.
Bets, cheers, and groans
dim in the cavern’s shade.
Salty air over the Western Sea*
bordering the racetrack
cools the kiosk’s refreshments.
Arab horses have replaced the Roman ones
and simple horse races replaced the grand
gladiatorial games and Christian spectacles
so popular with the infidels before
the Arab soldiers drove them out.
Yet the kiosk works the same.
Women fill cups and hand them to boys
who carry them up to those
who did not bring their own drinks.
Men catch coins tossed in payment
and drop them in a slotted box
guarded by a big chested man.
Some coins get lost beneath
the shuffling feet or roll down
the steps to sand that buries them
where they wait to be discovered
centuries later, like the amphora
in the kiosk, now broken into shards.
In a deep trench, I kneel
flick sand and dirt from an object
grab a brush and go to work.
A pot handle emerges
crudely fashioned
onto the outer wall of what was
an amphora.
I draw it from the earth
and turn it over, clean the back side
uncover four imprints. Fingerprints!
I place my fingertips on them
and am enlightened by this person
who lived and loved and worked
Photograph by John Delaney
Photograph by John Delaney
Reindeer People
free verse
John Delaney
In the woods near the shore of Khövsgöl Lake,
they had pitched their tents. Domestic reindeer
grazed nearby. I don’t know what we expected
to see: herders dressed in deerskin outfits?
But not a little blonde girl whose father
wore a blue Gap sweatshirt. And then there was
a solar panel set up on the ground.
They came down from the Taiga for supplies
and to earn a welcome tourist dollar.
A familial group, they were all young
and energetic, answering questions.
Strips of meat hung down near the stove to dry.
Their pet calf’s horn was velvety and warm.
The larger herd was off in the forest.
Most of what I saw were carvings of deer
on deer antlers. Carefully crafted, dear.
Notes: The nomadic and settled Dukha populations only
total about 500 people. The last of the
Mongolian reindeer people, they receive small monthly subsidies from
the government because of the importance of their centuries-old ethnic
We were surprised to see such young
people continuing the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors. And yet Mongolia
has so many different nomads—of horses, camels, and yaks—and such large open
spaces (steppes, Gobi Desert) to live, that we should have expected this in the
land of Genghis Khan. So unique and special and inspiring.
Notes: Perhaps a person or a people group may willingly
choose to be seen as an artifact. Such a
choice is one type of resistance to a world that is changing at light
speed. Delaney’s poem helps us
investigate how we may label and stereotype individuals. CAS
the Poet: John Delaney’s publications include Waypoints (2017),
a collection of place poems, Twenty Questions (2019), a
chapbook, Delicate Arch (2022), poems and photographs of
national parks and monuments, and Galápagos (2023), a
collaborative chapbook of his son Andrew’s photographs and his poems. Nile,
a chapbook of poems and photographs about Egypt, appeared in 2024 and Filing
Order: Sonnets in 2025. He lives in Port Townsend, WA.
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free verse
Sean Whalen
Today I saved a yellowed plat map
from a neighborhood rummage sale box
marked ‘Landfill Bound’
it called to me in the same voice
that keeps old shoes old shoes
or lost loved ones safe in old shoeboxes
and though I thought I knew the way
I let it guide me down dirt ways shadowed
with ruts from horse carts and steel lugged tractors
followed the legend to Fairchild School
searched a cottonwood grove shedding leaves
over buried primers and a rusted iron bell
listened at a dry well head that whispered
we know where they have gone
turned down Oak Road but it had turned to rows of corn
looked for homesteads indicated by black squares
leaned against the cool falling bodies of cars
rolled to rest behind the gravestones of barns
hiding sunken foundations in a vanity of grass
walked the half-mile down a muddy lane
to Swede Bend Church
genuflected at the chapel of bricks attended by mice
stood where the spire and setting sun
marked the land with a broken cross
recited the Lord’s Prayer to a meadowlark
who forgave me when I had trouble
recalling all of the words
wandered home built a fire sent the map to the stars
sparks glittering in the eyes
of those who followed
Notes: This poem was
the first one I read for this issue. It
delighted me and continues to do so. One
of the many things I admire is Whalen’s wise choice to avoid punctuation in a
poem full of paths and structures that are disappearing. CAS
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rusting sign grown into the tree proclaims
Digging Call Northwestern Bell Operator Zenith 1234
black letters on yellow once sharp as a ring
a brass clapper, now rheumy.
place an ear to the cold metal. A lost party of callers,
and vibrating in the underground cable
through the antenna of post and sign and oak,
to the universe, aches to be picked up by a satellite
the journey can continue, messages can reach those
whom they were intended, affirm loss and love,
we are not forgotten, we are waiting
hello, waiting for voices to be joined.
Notes: Intriguingly,
artifacts lie all around us. They are
not just the ones we excavate in an archeological dig. I like poems that help us see an artifact as
any remnant that takes us into a past way of living and understanding the
world. CAS
the Poet: Sean Whalen lives in rural Boone County, Iowa,
where he finds inspiration close to home. He is a retired health and safety
professional, active volunteer fire chief, and alumnus of the Iowa State
University master’s program in Creative Writing. Recent poems have appeared in
multiple publications, including Last Leaves, The Ocotillo
Review, Unbroken, New Feathers, Stone Poetry
Quarterly, Thimble, Assignment Magazine, MMOJ, and
are forthcoming in The Avenue Journal, Right Hand Pointing,
and The Chiron Review.
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Found! A Roman Knife Handle
rhyming couplets
Paul A. Freeman
Oh, minion of mighty Mars, you’ve lain
submerged beneath the Tyne through sun and rain
millennia, a brazen figurine,
your gladiatorial details still pristine.
Behold, your chest-high shield that took the brunt
of spear and sword and trident in the hunt
for glory in arenas far from home -
Britannic amphitheatres under Rome.
Just inches tall, once handle to a knife,
you’re celebrated as a man whose life
depended on a politician’s thumb
to yea or nay the executioner’s drum.
Yet what besotted Venus had you cast
into this keepsake? Did she hold you fast,
or delve beneath your blood-stained armour so
she’d bear a sturdy infant child who’d grow
in freedom, not enslaved? No tongue can tell.
In mortal combat, probably you fell
(your visage masked within a cupric helm),
an emblem of the ancient Roman realm.
Notes: Hoping perhaps to piggyback on the cinema release of
the film Gladiator 2, English Heritage touted the story of a Roman
knife handle, carved in the likeness of a gladiator, found in the River Tyne.
The historical possibilities behind this find were too tempting. I just had to
cobble together a few mock heroic couplets on the subject after seeing the
BBC's interview with Dr Frances McIntosh and hearing her take on the artifact.
Notes: Freeman
shared the link to this intriguing article where a picture of the Roman knife
handle may be viewed: I like how Freeman called his couplets “mock
heroic.” Perhaps all our efforts to
immortalize greatness are mock. Perhaps
the distance of the River Tyne from Rome is a clue to how far we are from
greatness. CAS
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quatrains (ABAB)
A. Freeman
mission - to discover signs of life
the stars – seemed destined to succeed;
though our sun-strewn galaxy was rife
barren orbs, our probe commenced to feed
mother ship with data that portrayed
double-planet’s larger sibling as
place where fast-evolving beasts once stayed
their air was radioactive gas -
toxin-laden, stormy atmosphere,
which a ruined cityscape we viewed,
heat and rads destroyed our spacecraft’s gear.
saw no blue, nor green that life imbued.
captain was uncertain if this proof
aliens would be accepted by
home-world leadership as gospel truth,
else dismiss it, labelling it a lie.
guarantee our bonuses, we scanned
lesser of those planets, where a thing
manufactured metal graced its bland
airlessness. We made a vow to bring
artifact back with us, which would prove
honesty and quash the envious claim
fakery, to finally remove
doubt we’re not alone - and seal our fame.
vessel sent, brought back a steely plaque
creatures from the big world left behind
their moon, while pledging to the black
space, ‘We came in peace for all mankind’.
Notes: “The Mission” is based on a 2,600-word
short story I wrote forty years ago as an undergraduate, titled (wait for
it!) “The Artifact.” It was never published, I hasten to add. On
spotting that the spring theme was 'Artifacts', I recalled the plot of my
story, and realising how much more relevant its message is today, wrote it up
as a 200-word poem.
hope that doesn't count as cheating. It felt rather serendipitous (I've always
wanted to use that word!).
Notes: Shades
of Saki! Freeman set me up beautifully
for the irony at the end of the poem. CAS
the Poet: Paul A. Freeman is an English teacher. He is
the author of Rumours of Ophir, a crime novel taught at ‘O’ level
in Zimbabwean high schools and which has been translated into German.
addition to having two novels, a children’s book and an 18,000-word narrative
poem (Robin Hood and Friar Tuck: Zombie Killers!) commercially
published, Paul is the author of scores of published short stories, poems and
is a member of the Society of Authors and of the Crime Writers’ Association,
and has appeared several times in the CWA’s annual anthology.
works and resides in Mauritania, Africa.
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Reinhart (former Frequent Contributor)
burned or tortured
bicycle spokes, no mustaches drawn
superstars, decreasing their value
making them look more like they were
the 80s, no, my baseball cards
neatly executed by my mother.
up for the firing squad,
precision: Canseco, Clark,
Sierra, Clemens, Yount,
Eckersley, Molitor, Sabo,
into our lives, a class
thieves intent on stealing
long after I’d forgotten
mother stood them up
shoot them down, neat holes,
fastballs through cardboard.
was the second time the cops
her about shooting in the backyard,
you know, and accidents happen,
she’d moved on from targeting
which she claimed moved in
development, a plague of human
She’d tried alka seltzer tablets
heard the fizz would explode
little stomachs, though most of them
smarter, licking off the peanut butter
discarding the tasteless tablet, maybe
it for winter, the indigestion
I think of those guys,
many trying to cut corners
I meticulously preserved their cardboard,
the dreams left behind with our mothers.
Notes: I wonder if
Paul Molitor collected baseball cards. Did his mother collect baseball cards of
her son? Did she frame them like family photographs? Did they adorn the mantel?
Did his father keep a foldout collection of Molitor baseball cards in his
wallet - Molly through the years? What is it about pictures of men on paper
that we find so fascinating, trading some for groceries, collecting others in
plastic sleeves? Why don't we go back to trading goats for rutabagas? Why don't
we print papers with turnips on them and exchange those? Maybe the Molitors
wallpapered their house with baseball cards, gluing them one to another until
they leaned out the window, forming a bridge to other houses owned by
baseball-playing families going right back to Garden of Eden, that unruly
diamond yet to be mown, where Paul Molitor practiced hitting apples into the
starry sky.
Notes: Reinhart
gives us another poem in his “Poet’s Notes.”
How delightful. I expect quite a
few mothers would like to “execute” some of the memorabilia—the trivia—that
lies in the storage tubs of their children’s childhood. On the other hand, how could they bring
themselves to terminate such memories? CAS
the Poet: One of the
original frequent contributors at Songs of Eretz, John Reinhart is a
time traveling arsonist and editor of Star*Line, the quarterly
journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. His poetry free
ranges from zombie gnomes in space, to tributes to Roberto Clemente, and verses
about the people who encircle him. He is also the editor of Poetry Across
Maine, a statewide documentary poetry project (
Find more of his work at and
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Half Life
free verse
Michael Victor Bowman
The shade drifts towards you,
a human-form wisp of smoke.
A sibilance in your ear
is a faint voice. Moisture
beading on your skin
is not sweat, but the body
of this lost soul disintegrating.
It wants to embrace you,
to tether itself to you,
because one more trip
will be the end. And
it cannot resist
just one more
One week ago, you take her picture on your phone,
then take her hand. Her grasp is firm, confident.
She smiles. ‘See you soon.’ And she is gone.
You drop your hand, left stupidly hanging, and
your gaze falls upon the artifacts. No wonders,
these: no preserved heirlooms, just mundane things.
The trash of yester-year which archaeologists exhume,
examine, describe and base entire careers upon.
With one important difference: these things are fresh,
new, like they were made yesterday, with perishable details
in biodegradable materials that no peat bog or permafrost
could ever preserve. Why? Because these things were made
She is there, again, as if she had never left,
holding towards you a Sumerian urn.
‘For you,’ she says, ‘for your thesis.’
You accept, blushing and excited,
but you notice something is missing.
She seems… faded. Her voice quiet. Skin
pale, her smile more like a memory.
‘Where now?’ you ask.
‘To watch them erect Stone Henge,’
her whispered reply.
‘Wait,’ you say but, she is gone.
You are left with your urn
and your unspoken worry. ‘Don’t go
too far back. You’re leaving yourself
Five days and hundreds of finds later, you’re looking
at that picture. And the one you took the day after.
And the next. In each, the room grows more cluttered
with revolutions in our understanding of history.
And in each, the figure in the midst of it is… less.
In the last picture only the eyes still burn in an almost
translucent face, illuminated from within by a collector’s zeal.
She cannot stop. Is it worth it? Your finger strokes the keen,
fresh edge of an arrowhead, flint-knapped just this morning
by a neolithic man. It draws a bead of red. As if summoned
by your blood offering, she is there and now even the eyes
are dull. She is there, but not there. She is almost gone.
The last thing you feel is her body falling upon yours
like a cloud of mist, before the air conditioning
blows it away, dispersing it
among the artifacts.
Notes: Not to
diminish the rest of the poem, but I find the description of artifacts in the
second stanza such a well-put description of how artifacts can be
understood. Artifacts themselves might
be considered as having half-lives. The
comparison to the lingering effects of radiation is tantalizing. CAS
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seed bank
a Shovel and an Idea
Victor Bowman
hundred years before my birth,
a man buried a glass bottle
in the Michigan earth. Within it
he had trapped the only beings
to evade entropy: to achieve,
by our meagre measure, immortality.
These beings became a vessel
that carries forward a question
that only philosophers yet to be born
might answer. So began a legacy
spanning centuries.
Dormant seeds may outlast many
generations of hole-digging
hairless apes until they are exposed
to 'favourable conditions' when
temperature, moisture and acidity
feel right - time starts again
for these intrepid, yet unaware, time
travellers. For them, a culture is not
art or history, philosophy or reason:
it is a substrate. They would use
the contents of the greatest libraries
as food not for the soul, but to nourish
their sendentary bodies. Their legacy
is not knowledge, it is continuity.
Are we jealous of these dreamless husks
that live on while our creativity
and inner life must die with us? Or
is it that we yearn to connect
with those that will come after us:
to be remembered? They say
plant a tree that you will never
sit beneath: ask a question to which
you will never know the answer.
Pass on the baton of knowledge
to the relay of inquiring minds
that will come, after. This is how
advances in knowledge are made.
This is the only way that mere
mortals can seed themselves
into the future.
Notes: In 1879
Professor William Beal conceived of a 100 year experiment to test how long
seeds could be kept before they would no longer be viable. In the grounds of
Michigan State University he buried 20 glass bottles containing a variety of
seeds. One bottle was to be exhumed every five years and the contents planted.
After the first bottles had been
tested it was noted that almost all the seeds were germinating into healthy,
normal plants, so the interval was gradually extended to 20 years. This means
that the experiment will not now come to an end until the year 2100.
William Beal planted the first
bottle at the age of 46 and died in 1924, aged 91. He was never going to see
the end of the experiment. The people who will have likely not yet been born.
Notes: Immediately,
I think of old seeds I’ve planted and hoped for germination. If one in one hundred sprouts, then a bit of
the past has blossomed into the future.
I have not, however, thought before of the philosophy of seeds. What a marvelously poetic idea! CAS
the Poet: Michael
Victor Bowman (
is a biology graduate, was a bathroom salesman and is now a PhD candidate
studying truth and lies in the AI era. The most exciting seven seconds of his
academic life so far were being chased by an angry hippo in Tanzania. He has
appeared in Star*Line and the Gothic Nature Journal, but he is
still new to SpecPo [speculative poetry]. If you like his work, please leave a
comment or find him on social media because, as Charles Buxton said, silence is
the severest criticism.
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Forsake the Ground
J Dalton
a human skeleton will one day take its place
a museum for other species to gaze upon
wonder what we were really like
we were hunted to extinction,
as I stand here considering
Great Moa of New Zealand
died out in some century
long after the Māori settled that island.
how they prized the twelve-foot bird
its decoratively bright and flightless ceremony
feathers perfect to festoon cloaks
hollowed skull a handy vessel
its sweet flesh a seductive supper.
was rumoured to be quick and leggy
to kick savagely when cornered
but not quickly enough
not as savagely as us.
I ponder when it will be our turn
go the way of the laughing owl
perhaps – not too soon – the kakapo
whether we’ll head for the skies
hide deep below to escape
predators who come in their ships.
Editor’s Notes:
Science fiction poets have shown up for this theme. I would not have predicted that. Dalton imagines how one day we might become
the specimens—the artifacts—behind the glass.
His use of the extinct Great Moa to help us look backward in order to
look forward is an effective and colorful strategy. CAS
the Poet: A J Dalton (
is a UK-based writer. He’s published the Empire of the Saviours trilogy
with Gollancz Orion, The Satanic in Science Fiction and Fantasy with
Luna Press, the Dark Woods Rising poetry collection with
Starship Sloane, and other bits and bobs. He lives with his monstrously
oppressive cat named Cleopatra.
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Clinging to My Keyboard as Waves Crash over Me
free verse
William L. Ramsey
Nixon era editorials continue undulating on the waves
for a while, but soon enough the newspapers dip
beneath the surface and begin arching toward the sandy
bottom. Song fragments from The Byrds end suddenly,
like fingers pinching a vibrating cymbal. And the digital
moon’s gravity is not enough to rescue anything, to draw
it up with the tide to whiten on some litter strewn beach.
I throw everything overboard to try and stay afloat, tie-
clips, manuscript poems in cursive, typewriters, watches,
books, all of it sinking through seven levels of darkness.
Some of it rocks defiantly back and forth in the lavender
range, a rhythmic descent, deferring the inevitable, but
most of it in the purple merely slips resignedly down
in slow eccentric spirals, punctuated by intervals of random
tumbling. Is there some newfangled slang, I gurgle,
that can describe the lightless dance of undergarments,
woolen, long-sleeved, arms entangled in arms, flailing
sometimes in panic, other times gesturing as if to warn
away or beckon someone closer? What new acronym can
capture the extravagant corrections of a whale-bone corset?
Editor’s Notes:
I love an extended metaphor.
Ramsey’s lifeboat of modernity, as he throws out the debris of outworn
artifacts, reads like a plea of desperation.
What might he discard that one day he wants so desperately back? CAS
About the Poet: William L. Ramsey (he/him) is a
Professor at Lander University in South Carolina. His poems have appeared over
the last thirty years in Beloit Poetry Journal, Hampden-Sydney
Poetry Review, Louisiana Literature, Poetry Magazine, Poetry
East, Poetry Northwest, The South Carolina Review, and Southern
Poetry Review. He is the author of two books of historical scholarship
and one book of poetry, Dilemmas, which is available from
Clemson University Press.
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mystery of the thermionic
else misses the glow of filaments in vacuum? Electrons rattling off a hot
surface like songbirds who spot a shadow overhead, pell-mell through an
evacuated gap down electrostatic gradients, ecstatic acolytes of a positively
charged god they are powerless to resist while behind them swarms of others
boil off to join the throng, without faces or bodies, plunging down steep
canyon walls recklessly screaming as they quench themselves into ecstasies of
longing hotter than human could bear.
Notes: This poem had
its origin in an old image I found on Flickr two years ago which strongly
brought to my mind the idea of flying electrons.
Image from page 318 of "The American journal of
science" (1880)
wrote it out originally in free verse form but soon converted it to a prose
poem rhapsody.
Notes: I’ve read
prose poems that stretch credulity. The
leaps of logic astound. I’m astounded
here as well, and yet I comprehend the logic in this scientific “rhapsody.” CAS
the Poet: Richard
Magahiz tries to live an ordered life in harmony with all things natural and
created but one that follows unexpected paths. He's spent much of his time
wrangling computers as a day job but now when he's not making music he is
writing speculative and mainstream poems. His work has appeared at Star*Line,
Dreams and Nightmares, Sein und Werden, Uppagus, Bewildering
Stories, and Shoreline of Infinity. His website is at
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Atlas of Escape
free verse
B. Fulton Jennes
We did not vacation, my penurious parents and I:
we worked the garden, watched the sky, eschewed
all but plodding travel to school, church, work.
But with the contralto groan of a weighty drawer
pulled through a window of wood, I wandered freely
with maps sliced from the spine of National Geographic,
hoarded in the lair of my father’s desk.
Godlike, I observed the work of pyramid-building pharaohs,
watched the widening malignance of the Roman Empire,
heard the songs of whales on their vast migratory paths,
felt the impact of comets on the moon’s silver surface.
But here, here is my favorite, worn white and willing
at its creases, softened all over like a bed sheet
washed free of starch: a plotting of the ocean floors,
rendered in hues of blue and gray, fissured by fault lines,
blemished by colossal peaks still striving to break surface.
See there: the impossible depths of the Mariana Trench,
where single-celled creatures grow to the size of your fist,
a place where oxygen and light are no longer needed,
a place crushingly pressurized, black as any tomb,
a place where all bad things find their way to in the end,
a place so familiar I did not really need a map.
Notes: I love how
picturesque the artifact—the map—is rendered in Jennes’ hands. In a poem about an artifact, I long to see
what the poet sees, and in Jennes’ poem I do.
the Poet: B. Fulton
Jennes is an award-winning poet whose work has appeared widely in literary journals
and anthologies, including CALYX, Comstock Review, december, Extreme
Sonnets, Rust and Moth, SWWIM, and Tupelo
Quarterly. In 2022, her poem “Glyphs of a Gentle Going” was awarded
the Lascaux Prize; another poem, “Father to Son,” won the 2023 New Millennium
Award. Jennes’s collection Blinded Birds received the 2022
International Book Award for a poetry chapbook. FLOWN—an
elegy-in-verse to her late sister—was published by Porkbelly Press in 2024.
Jennes is poet laureate emerita of Ridgefield, CT, where she directs the Poetry
in the Garden series each summer as well as the monthly Poems
from Connecticut’s Four Corners program online.
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Exercise Tablet
child’s first scratch kicks off scribal education.
reed stylus shapes a single wedge or sign
and over on a flattened clump of clay,
by fingernails and fingerprints.
as a father’s love cannot be dulled,
teacher’s harshness cannot be mitigated.
evidence improvement, beatings averted.
forestalled. Toothmarks indicate
or hunger, or quiet rebellion.
time, the student scribe masters all signs
pronunciations, listing gods and trees
body parts in pursuit of perfect form.
we know what each scuff means?
we view them as script or a type of art?
yet the student scribe leaves the tablet unsigned,
of how and why posterity will fetishize it.
Notes: I’m embarrassed to admit that a recent
overconsumption of podcasts about ancient history, civilization, archaeology,
paleontology, theology, etc, has kindled my interest in ancient artifacts and
our contemporary analysis and interpretation of them—freighted as these
pursuits are by any number of personal or external pressures—as poetic
material. A seemingly everyday or mundane object such as an ancient exercise
tablet can be analyzed (or poeticized) for any number of things beyond the
meaning of the symbols or signs themselves, but I always wonder if we imbue too
much significance in what they often appear to be: exercises.
Notes: In all the
poems I read for the artifact issue, only in this poem did I read the word
“fetishize.” What an apt word for how we
might treat the artifacts of a long-distant past! No matter what the worth of the object in its
own time, it becomes a treasure when it survives centuries, or even
millennia. CAS
the Poet: Sicilian Canadian poet and author Salvatore Difalco
has authored five books, including Black Rabbit & Other Stories
(Anvil Press). Recent appearances in E-ratio, Third Wednesday and RHINO
Poetry. He lives in sunny Toronto, Canada.
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cascade poem
Mark A. Fisher
along the sandy Mojave River’s banks
the sand remembers dusty millennia
footprints erased by the errant winds
there are places the water rises
forgotten and unseen
along the sandy Mojave River’s banks
where camped a hunting party
untold years ago
the sand remembers dusty millennia
a lost obsidian arrowhead
now all that remains
footprints erased by the errant winds
Notes: Near the
entrance to Afton Canyon in the Mojave Desert, underground rock forces the
Mojave River to the surface for a couple miles. There is still a campground
Notes: In this sparse poem, I hear the wind, I see the
riverbed, I watch the arrowhead emerge before it is lost again. The arrowhead is as primal as the elements of
nature. CAS
the Poet: Mark A.
Fisher is a writer, poet, and playwright living in Tehachapi, CA. His
poetry has appeared in: Reliquiae, Young Ravens Literary Review, and
many other places. His first chapbook, drifter, is available from
Amazon. His poem “there are fossils” (originally published in Silver Blade)
came in second in the 2020 Dwarf Stars Speculative Poetry Competition. His
plays have appeared on California stages in Pine Mountain Club, Tehachapi,
Bakersfield, and Hayward. His play Moon Rabbit won Audience Favorite at
the Stillwater Oklahoma Short Play Festival in 2023. He has also won cooking
ribbons at the Kern County Fair.
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General Submission
With a White Ribbon?
L. Ramsey
It was here. I was sawing boards in the garage
I looked up, trying to remember a measurement,
saw its reflection rocking, indecisive, confused
which way to go, in my car’s rear window.
didn’t understand at first. It had been so long. I had
distracted by all the graduate disarrays of love,
need for additional shelving, insurance. So I stared,
and it drifted onward into the driver-side
then up as if escaping through the sunroof.
ran out and looked up and only then remembered.
folks get over it. Get another. Forget the first.
Is there a Freudian term for this?
maybe? Substituting more reasonable
for doomed or injurious or unobtainable
The desire remains. The thing desired changes.
what you will about me, kid, but I remembered
wanted this. It was hovering about ten feet above
roof’s ridgeline, the end of the ribbon still tied in
loop. It floated across the yard into the trees where
built your treehouse and I feared I might see how
story ends: a bang and a whimper. But it blundered
I chased it a ways, thinking how great it would
to grab it and give it to you at last and say here you
go, here it is, you can stop crying.
Notes: This riddle poem, this “what-is-it?” poem, offers more
than just the answer to the riddle. It
also suggests elusive hopes and dreams, lost promises, as the central object
escapes through the trees, leaving behind it disappointment and an ineffectual
grab at something I might label as resignation.
the Poet: William L. Ramsey (he/him) is a Professor at Lander
University in South Carolina. His poems have appeared over the last thirty
years in Beloit Poetry Journal, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review,
Louisiana Literature, Poetry Magazine, Poetry East, Poetry
Northwest, The South Carolina Review, and Southern
Poetry Review. He is the author of two books of historical scholarship
and one book of poetry, Dilemmas, which is available from
Clemson University Press.
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Book Review
Concerning the Service
Clayton Spencer
Reviewed by Charles A. Swanson
Spencer’s chapbook, Concerning the Service, is now available through Beyond
Words Press, a publisher in Berlin, Germany. Copies may be found at this address: The price is given in Euros, but the
conversion is around $20.00, shipped.
Clay Spencer served as Associate Editor
and Guest Art Editor for Songs of Eretz in 2024, and we are happy that
he continues to experience success as his poetry reaches larger audiences. This little volume received the Beyond Words
Chapbook Award in 2024. Clay is also the recipient of the 2024 ARTie Award for
Excellence in Poetry from the Ohio Arts Council.
Spencer’s poetry strikes a tonal note,
like the pitch of a tuning fork. From
space to space, from image to image, from poem to poem, there is a pull like an
undertow, or like the primal susurration of the drone of a Scottish
bagpipe. The small trilogy of poems,
three in number, each titled “Portrait of a Turned Back” speak this
consistency. Despite the many, many
images in poem after poem—images that do not peacefully lie on the page
together—there is a consistency of emotional impact. This is a volume of lyrical verse, and it does
not contain neatly packaged and ribboned poems.
Instead, each poem is a movement, a current in a river of life, a
flashing iteration of sparkle, of darkness, of sunlit and sunblind depth.
That the poems will not lie down and
stay put is seen in many images. In the
title poem, “Concerning the Service,” the speaker seemingly addresses his
father with these words, “I am still right where you left me, / being carried
to bed, asleep in my mother’s arms.” But
these words are not the beginning nor the ending of the poem. They are tucked along many other flowing
images, including, “I bring this sickly turkey with me everywhere I go . . .
.” Like the water in a creek, the
semantic current does not run smoothly; instead, meanings bash against rocks of
obstruction. As the insistent voice
leads us to believe, life does not happen in a neatly structured
narrative. The beginnings are not
clearly marked. The endings include
elusive hope but little certainty.
This little volume will gift a lover of
lyric poetry with much to dwell on. It
is a sipping book of poetry, not a gulping book. One will not read it and walk away, saying
“I’m full.” Instead, it will tempt the
reader to return and taste some more.
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Frequent Contributor News
Vivian Nida, an Oklahoma Writing Project Teacher/Consultant, served as the judge for high school prose entries from across the state in the 2025 Write to Win Contest for Oklahoma Students, sponsored by the Oklahoma Writing Project, a site of the National Writing Project.
Terri Cummings and Vivian Nida, members of the advisory committee of the Oklahoma City University Thatcher Hoffman Smith Poetry Series, helped finalize plans and will act as hosts at this year's 26th annual event, featuring U.S. Poet Laureate, Ada Limón, Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 7:30 p.m., Kerr-McGee Auditorium, OCU Meinders School of Business, NW 27th and N. McKinley, Oklahoma City, OK.
Terri will host the Community poetry open mic at 6:30. Book signing to follow Ada Limón’s reading. Free and Open to the Public, but RSVP ticketing is required. To reserve seats or for more information: .
The first print edition of Mary Soon Lee’s epic fantasy-told-in-poems "The Sign of the Dragon" was published in January 2025. It contains 40 wonderful illustrations by Gary McCluskey. 16 of the poems in the book were published in Songs of Eretz Poetry Review! Her webpage is
Mary also had a guest post about "The Sign of the Dragon" up at The Future Fire:
Her poem "William Carlos Williams's Cat" is in the February issue of Uppagus at
Lauren McBride’s recent publications include her poem, "A Knight in the Morning,"genre, Penumbric, February, 2025.
and poem, " Help Wanted: Reliable Muse," Storyteller Poetry Review, October 25, 2024.
A. Swanson has two poems in the most recent issues of
AvantAppal(achia). “Wild Gatherings: A
Little Tail Meat” appears in the Current Issue, Issue 16: And “Random” appears in the Special Issue,
“Come Hell and High Water: Helene”:
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Songs of Eretz Poetry Review is a for-profit entity that operates at a loss of up to $7,000 per year. It is sustained entirely by donations of time, talent, and treasure from our editorial staff, loyal readership, and family of poets and artists.
Our four quarterly issues take hundreds of man-hours to produce. That is what it takes to offer our readers a quality experience and our featured and guest poets and artists a place where they may be proud to publish their work.
Please consider making a modest gift supporting our purpose, “to bring a little more good poetry into the world.” Those interested should use with as the receiving address.
Please note that contributions are not tax deductible.
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In the Kitchen" theme -- what we are looking for
2025 Themes and Deadlines
(Please note the new submissions' address, both here and on our Guidelines page. The correct submissions' address is
Some Guidance for the May "In the Kitchen" Submission Call (What We’re Looking For): The theme of the kitchen presents many opportunities, many directions and pathways. Some of the paths are not the most traveled ways, and that’s always fun for us as editors. As you’ll see below, some of the possible topics include foods, customs, kitchen talk, preparation, and teaching. The list could be much broader.
What I think of for a good kitchen poem
in a good roux, or, in my upbringing, a tasty gravy. In fact, cook a pot of pinto beans just
right, with a ham hock if you have it, and put that bean soup on a piece of biscuit. Now, that’s a good poem.
I’ll be more direct. Give complexity and fullness to your
poem. Intrigue us. Help us to taste the wonder, even if your
kitchen poem is about a family telling stories after the food is eaten.
2025 Themes & Deadlines
Season Theme Submission Period
Spring Artifacts February 1-15
(objects that carry history, memory, identification, such as message in a bottle from the past, etc.)
Summer In the Kitchen May 1-15
(foods, customs, kitchen talk, preparation, teaching, etc.)
Fall Digging August 1-15
(literal or figurative)
Winter Tension November 1-15
(literal or figurative, life situations, the push and pull, tension within the poem itself, the complexity of situations, etc.)
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