Songs of Eretz Poetry Review is presented as free for viewing and open to the public but is NOT free to produce. In order to maintain our independent voice, Songs of Eretz is not and never will be a not-for-profit.  While not our raison d’ĂȘtre, we value our right to express poetically a full spectrum of political views, and not-for-profits are not allowed to do that.  This means Songs of Eretz will never qualify for government grants or support, which means we must rely upon donations from poetry enthusiasts who support our cause in order to stay afloat financially and to continue to provide a quality product/service.

The suggested donation for regular or frequent visitors to our site is twelve dollars per year.  That breaks down to just one dollar per month or THREE CENTS A DAY. 

If you cannot afford twelve dollars per year, we will be happy to accept any lesser amount. 

If you are so down on your luck that you cannot afford to make a donation at all, then enjoy us for free--we hope your luck changes soon. 

Use PayPal to make your donation with as the receiving address.

The choice to donate or not to donate and the amount of the donation (if any) has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the evaluation of submissions to Songs of Eretz Poetry Review or to our annual contests.

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